@peemee That’s another reason why I like small, self-contained market towns. (Not that I live in one currently).
I had to do a web search to find out how to turn my phone off. Because Apple did an innovation (probably with the iPhone X).
@hazardwarning You didn’t know about that beta version? I was using it for months. It’s much better than the old un.
@matigo Why would anyone want an Android clamshell (that’s what they’re called over here)? Especially after having an iPhone. Strange.
@streakmachine Which one, the old one with the red writing or the new one? The old ones are reasonably decent. The new ones are slower and all plastic.
P.S. If you want a smallish one that’s quite fast (a lot faster than the above) I highly recommend the Samsung FIT Plus.
// @matigo
@hazardwarning You don’t like the sound of tremolo or you just don’t like the arms? Come to think of it, it’s not tremolo I like the most, it’s slide I was thinking of….
@jws If I have a fit of enthusiasm tomorrow I’ll do it. It’s a substantial if though because motivation is a big problem of late. Thanks for handing me the baton so to speak. The bit about explicit consent was interesting.