@kyle What’s been good in my life is nothing….because I put everything on hold. Even when the authorities opened the prison doors a bit I didn’t go out much because everything looked like a dystopia: people wearing masks (even just walking down the street), perspex social dividers, big brother signage, app registration rules for pubs. Even the thought of going away for a weekend and booking into a hotel was off-putting. Even going into town was annoying because it meant entering Covidland. I pine for the old normal life. So I’ve been avoidant.
Anyway, winter is basically over and the regime’s rules have mostly been removed so I’m running out of excuses. I have a list of places to visit (and things to do) that I was gearing up for before 2020 transpired. Places like Maiden Castle (iron age hill fort), Scilly (offshore islands), some nice hotels seen in travelogues. I just have to expunge this inertia/lack of momentum that’s wormed its way into me. Having said all that, doing some proper socialising again at Christmas was so enjoyable.