@matigo Fortune has no memory. Numbers have no memory. What’s just happened has no bearing on what your odds of a good or bad outcome tomorrow are.
// @sumudu
@matigo Fortune has no memory. Numbers have no memory. What’s just happened has no bearing on what your odds of a good or bad outcome tomorrow are.
// @sumudu
@phoneboy I hope your lawyer’s lack of attention to detail there was an uncharacteristic one-off.
// @matigo
@matigo Every now and then I’ll watch an astronomy documentary. I recently watched one about New Horizons/Pluto. I only like it in small doses. I prefer things that are more human…like Poorly Drawn Lines.
I tried tapping on Block and then Mute in the hope I could avoid seeing NasaBot in the global stream but it didn’t make any difference. I suppose I’ll just have to start using Home rather than Global.
@matigo The eye clinic I went to yesterday was a completely mask-free zone.
// @hazardwarning