The green grass is now yellow grass. I wonder if the reservoirs are getting low.
@matigo Riding an electric bike is quite good in that respect. You get wind in your face with little exertion.
@hazardwarning Humidity is predicted to be very low in the next few days (if you can believe Dark Sky), so it may not feel as hot as it measures.
// @matigo
@matigo All it takes is a moment's lack of concentration and you can drift onto the wrong side of the road.
Heard the sound of a car crash, looked out of the window…and yes it was. You should have heard the language of the two women who got out of the black car.
@matigo So what’s the main culprit?
a) Machine not powerful enough?
b) Database is just huge?
c) The data in the database is unusually weird and complex because the company has daft data collection practices?
d) The software that runs the database is not as efficient as it ought?
e) Something else?
@hazardwarning I have to go out on the day when the temperature is predicted to peak. Let’s hope something changes.
@phoneboy Is building and running a node fairly easy? Not that I’m thinking of doing it. It’d certainly be hard for an ignoramus like me.
@matigo Uh, I’d be much aggrieved if a headache persisted right through the night.