Wrangling my MP3 collection. It’s more work than streaming but I prefer it this way.

I’m not trained for that. You need to find someone who’s recovered from it 😉


See if there’s a notes app addiction support group.


Who are these people who watch ghost hunting TV programmes?

Don’t things look small with these modern high res screens when it’s down on your lap? My eyes aren’t good enough. I need the screen higher up.


I’ve been dealing with a lot of very irritating bureaucratic stuff in recent weeks (including taxation matters) and it’s made me a very dull boy; ignoring more normal, human activities, not going out much, finding it hard to access much pleasure. But I think I’ve broken the back of it now. I think I’ve got through the worst part of the thicket. I do like a nice metaphor.

I keep trying to think of all the possible outcomes and work out which is most likely but it’s probably not a wise path to go down.


Thank God. It’s fortunate you were able to contact Steven. It’s all a bit tenuous. Fingers crossed.



He still is running it from a laptop in his house.


The lights will go out before the bills stop being paid. Every so often, his I.S.P. changes his I.P. address even though he pays for a static one. When that happens, we can’t access 10C until Jason fiddles around with something. He did try to automate the mend but I don’t think he got it 100% automatic. How often does the I.S.P. change his I.P. address? Not sure, every three months?
