Ah…I just forehead slapped myself.



What does the look and feel have to do with online/offline?


Well fuck me sideways with a trumpet, you’ve managed to photograph an Albatross in Yorkshire!!! Apparently you’re not the first though. Oh…was that the ‘Albert’ you were referring to?

When I was a kid, my junior school divided pupils into four houses which would compete over sports days and such. The houses were named after ruined monasteries in North Yorkshire. Byland, Jervaulx, Rievaulx and Fountains. Rievaulx is the only one I haven’t seen and it’s probably the best one.


Oh no! You’ve peaked too soon.


Helmsley is a cute place to stop for an ice-cream. Never been down to the riverside there though.


Looks like potentially a good spot for doing a watercolour when the water is higher and spilling over.


I’ve always thought land yachting would be good fun.


I love lilac skies. It’s a shame they aren’t more common.


That might explain why it looks rather sedate and boring compared with the track I used as a kid.

