It’s cats outside 🙂

I’m watching a long documentary about the life of Benjamin Franklin. It includes a lot of details about relations between London and the colonies. English troops being sent to quell the uprising in Boston; Franklin representing several colonies in London but having to endure an hour long berating in Whitehall, after which he decides to be completely American. And coincidentally, in parallel, I just discovered that the new American embassy in London has a defensive ditch, a moat and a barracks for soldiers. It’s strange how the World turns.

Bloody hell. I’ve never heard such a loud, screeching racket in the dark of night before as I’m hearing now. Huge caterwauling. Are they humping or are they arguing?

You must be powerful.

Disgusting! Is there no other way?

I take it you got the salary-bank-account-problem sorted out in time?


I hope you didn’t lose a 10,000 word epic.

Is your MacBook booting yet?

Did she leave anything?

What’s a puppaccino? Did you brother come to see you or to get the clothes mended? I would tell him to shove it.