Yeah, tulips are a bit flaky. Such disappoint.

No decent online retailers for Sri Lanka?


A lot of details are debatable. But what's clear is that Russia and China have decided to take the Western, neo-colonial system down before the Western, neo-colonial system takes them down. The Western system being the physically and mentally abusive husband. The rest of the World being the battered wife.

Probably just a mistake. I've done stuff like that before.

'There will be a radical overhaul of how basic needs are managed to include healthcare, education, food and energy security. The domination of unsustainable cartels and cooperations will come to an end and we will see an explosion of creativity in terms of industry, medicine, science and the arts. Ultimately, it requires a complete overhaul of all existing Western institutions which have ruthlessly abused their responsibility for self-interests.

We will see, in a very broad sense, the marrying of true capitalism and socialism into workable models for nations and alliances. The ongoing challenge to US unipolarity will continue via the Global South and, in essence, the Eurasian Trade Zone. Existing Western institutions will continue to unravel and the insidious practices that have underpinned the world since WW2 will continue to be exposed.'

I hope so.

Funnily enough I’m not too keen on the Yorkshire accent, especially the Leeds variant. I wish I’d lived longer in Scotland so I could have acquired that tongue. Especially as I was born in Fife which has the best accent in the World ever (melodious).


I consulted YouTube to make sure I knew what you meant. One fellow said he thought young people use it because they want to sound like they don’t give a shit.


What’s vocal fry?


Are you disrespecting the Newfies?


