Make something with your hands. That might help, maybe. Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree but it’s something I’ve been thinking about recently. I feel like humans were never meant to spend as much time in their heads as they do and were meant to spend more time making things with their hands. Even more so when you can do it with other people.

Monkey in the middle?

Nice to see a few green leaves appearing on some trees.

No one can insult us like the government can.

That’s a lot of pages for a little site. Makes me wonder how many there are on Facebook or Twitter.

Right. I'll go back to watching the fly-on-the-wall TV programme about an estate agent in the picturesque Yorkshire Dales town of Richmond. I need to compensate for all the heavy, serious reading and watching I do by ingesting something light and pleasant.


It's all lies. You're being assaulted by a Total War of lies.



When I nuke I tell myself that I’m going to pave less and keep a smaller, leaner device but I always fall back into old habits.