You’re not going commando are you?

So many people are miserable in their work (and I don’t blame them). I’m glad someone is happy with how their work life is going.

It can’t be as delicious as the red and black liquorice strings we had as kids.


That’s nice. Is it just me or is the rotunda leaning?

DxO Photolab.

An old one from the vaults. I've finally found a photo editor that I like after about 23 years of frustration with not being able to do what I want (and wanting to punch the computer screen). So now I'm practising my editing skills.


Tomorrow is another day :-|

I didn’t know salted liquorice was a thing. What’s next, salted chocolate? Oh wait…

They’ve done an excellent job of improving that quarry. The lawns look nice for picnics as long as people don’t let their puppies poo there. I like the photo with the tree on the right and the rotunda in the middle.

Wow, I didn’t know Joe Jackson was British. I always thought he was American. His voice just sounds a bit American.