Where's Beats 2?

I imagine 'foamy' stuff would be the right kind of thing in that scenario.

Good stuff. Do you do your own jam?

I've had a few nights like that. I just stay up and have a gulp of water whenever I feel a bit of acid burn in my throat because I'm scared what it'll do to my gullet if I let it linger.

My USB one is this:


I wonder why FireWire ones are never like that.

I suppose ginger snaps is just another name for ginger nuts.

`I've always like ginger nuts; the biscuits and the people’.

United Biscuits factory in Carlisle had flood problems so they air-lifted biscuits into Doncaster airport…and presumably others. They said water biscuits were most hard to find but others were affected too. I don't know how Britain can function properly without enough biscuits.

// @height8

Sounds like a pain. Don't do it. One problem with email anyway, is that they sometimes go on an slow international holiday before arriving where they're meant to be.

// @height8

And there was me thinking butchers did things the proper way. Now I know better.

That's all the reason you need.