@matigo In which departments does it shine?
// @streakmachine
@sumudu No, that would be me! I’m Mister Boring from Much Boring, Borehamptonshire.
@streakmachine I’m just messing with you. I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to Star Trek
@joeo10 Who knows what the real underlying motivation is? One thing is certain though, the powerful institutions and individuals are evermore concentrated and monolithic and overweening. Wherever there’s power there is less and less competition and even when there is competition there is often no effective competition because that’s what oligarchy means. Payment systems should be like roads—a common resource. I’m both a prude and a pervert. I can see merit in both arguments about pornography….but that’s not really the issue here is it?
@hazardwarning They’re like that here with hedges. Massive hedges with trees sprouting, but the grass is cut fairly often.
@matigo A decent dentist is really important mate. Get get another one.
// @sumudu
The bloke cutting the grass across the road has a stand up mower. There’s a platform at the back and two control bars in front of him. So his council bosses are not allowing him a sit down. The mean bastards.