I assume having files on multiple drives will add complexity though.



When duplication involves thousands of files on multiple drives, some with partially overlapping contents. That’s when it gets annoying.



It’s easy to deal with a spider on a surface but I’m never quite sure what to do with one dangling in front of my face from the ceiling. I just employed the samurai sword technique with a lambswool duster. I don’t know where spiddy went and I doubt he died but he’s not bothering me now.

That still leaves some scope for confusion.



I used the duplicate file finding ability of Disk Drill, the file recovery programme. God, what a mess my files are in. Mustn’t let this happen again. I could also do with an app that’ll merge or equalise the contents of two folders. Doing it manually is masochism



It seems there’s an open source cross-platform one called DupeGuru



Or even a not terribly nice one ☺

Anyone know a nice Mac app for finding duplicate files?

Sounds like you’re being intelligent and logical.


Why don’t you get into marketing for a cushy number then?

