@matigo Perhaps it is artificial intelligence if it’s trying to emulate the evolutionary intelligence level of the Mouse Lemur.
@matigo Linux OSes are busywork. I can’t see any real talent in the Linux world apart from purely technical talent which is necessary but not enough. And the variety is very deceptive; they’re all basically the same. Apps maketh the operating system and Linux has a poor app universe. Just the names of the apps alone pees me off. Gnome apps tend to start with ‘G’ or ‘Gn’….like ‘Gedit’, ‘Gnumeric’, Gnash etc. K.D.E. apps tend to start with ’K’. They’re all copybook apps by people who had imagination bypasses. Linux is made by geeks who repel girls so it’s not surprising that Linux can’t get users. It inherited the personality of the people who made it (the package management paradigm is a good example of that).
I’ve often dabbled with Linux in the past and probably will in the future but it’s insipid, opaque and poker-faced. And that’s when it’s working, because when Linux OSes break I always feel like I’m up the proverbial creek without a paddle. To be fair, it’s not necessarily breaking as such, it’s often that they just don’t cohere. Don’t get me started on libraries—bloody nightmare. I should probably be grateful that libraries exist. After all, I’ve often made use of them in other OSes, but littering the package managers with a huge list of lib this and lib that is stupid. If other app shops can dodge that why can’t Ubuntu and Manjaro? I have a lot of respect for the underlying technology of Linux and open source software and the people who beaver away on that code. My new telly runs on Linux, my password manager is open source and I use V.L.C. a lot. It’s also somewhat reassuring to know that if I reach my wits end with Apple and Co. that there is a fallback. There’s even a Linux phone. The fact that I hate the way technology is going but still haven’t made my escape is quite telling though.
@streakmachine I do have a Wi-fi connected satellite box plugged into the TV. Why? Because I can schedule recordings from the Freesat phone app which is a TV guide-cum-remote control.
@streakmachine It’s slightly-smart but has no app shop or web browser. In fact, the Internet things are virtually invisible if you don’t go looking for them. I didn’t set up the Wi-fi, not interested.
Everyone else probably has 65” 4K tellies by now….but I’ve just—finally—gone from 32” 720p to 32” 1080p. Physical restraints on where the TV sits in the living room means it can’t be bigger…and there are no 4K 32” TVs (actually, Samsung do one in the U.S.A. & Germany but not here). In fact there’s not a lot of choice at that size. The ones with HDR were either 720p or had other annoyances. I chose a Sony that’s a bit passé…but that’s OK because it’s less smart than the Android ones and has a scart socket.