@phoneboy If I had a personal stamp I would want it to be 𝕂
@hazardwarning We had the first non-sweltering day for bit here today. Bloody great relief. How about a fan on the floor that Poppy can lie in front of, or does she not do floors?
// @matigo
British man: I need some coke for the fire.
Californian woman: Some what?!? 😲
Haha. Divided by a common language.
@matigo How is Nozomi coping with the heat? She’d probably welcome a shearing, eh?
@matigo Perhaps institutions like the Olympic games serve the purpose of telling the truth about us and our society.
// @streakmachine
@matigo Seems to be a lack of colour depth in that image. Is it jpg compression doing that or did the camera record it that way?
@matigo The radical subversion of society will have been going on surreptitiously for years before wokeness appears. Wokeness isn’t the first step, it’s a sign that the ideological virus is taking hold. It’s too late.