If I had a personal stamp I would want it to be 𝕂


We had the first non-sweltering day for bit here today. Bloody great relief. How about a fan on the floor that Poppy can lie in front of, or does she not do floors?



I bet those Japanese alps look attractive in weather like this.


British man: I need some coke for the fire.
Californian woman: Some what?!? 😲

Haha. Divided by a common language.

How is Nozomi coping with the heat? She’d probably welcome a shearing, eh?


The abnormal becomes normal and people forget what is normal.


I’m glad fans were invented… and fridges…and freezers.

Perhaps institutions like the Olympic games serve the purpose of telling the truth about us and our society.



Seems to be a lack of colour depth in that image. Is it jpg compression doing that or did the camera record it that way?


The radical subversion of society will have been going on surreptitiously for years before wokeness appears. Wokeness isn’t the first step, it’s a sign that the ideological virus is taking hold. It’s too late.
