I’m not talking about the iMac; it’s good I suppose. But the event overall was garishly bland. It’s like they’re using snazziness to make us feel better about how shit everything is. You’ll love these brave, new, happily-narrow worlds of highly stimulated, screen-based domination.


Did I just watch the Apple event or did I just watch an episode of Teletubbies? Bring back Steve Jobs.

Oh dear, that’s not good for mum and dad. I wonder why he’s stirring.


Damn. I forgot about the event. Will go watch it now.


Christ, they start early. Good luck.


Sorry, I was unclear. I want Bitwarden to be an authenticator for any login like say Authy. Apparently 1Password can do this. But you’ve reminded me that perhaps I should use 2FA with Bitwarden.


I wish Bitwarden would add 2FA abilities like 1Password.

I wonder what the keys to good vascular health are.

That’s a massive slideshow.
