Monitors used to be very small…and a lot less wide.

My old self-made website from twenty years ago. I think that was the only time I put my full name on the Internet. I’d progressed from Netscape Composer to doing it by hand thanks to some basic templates and learning a few tags. You could probably count the tags I knew on one hand but it was enough for a simple, personal site.



Beautiful. I can see some moss on the last one. Proves you live in a wet place.

It’s too easy to buy seven things in an hour on eBay. And it’s not even as easy as Amazon, not quite.

It’s always the 0.1% who screw us over isn’t it?

If the price was agreed before payment method was discussed then you’re golden. Car dealers love those sub-prime buyers willing to pay interest for six years…

I’m looking forward to listening to his podcast on toy cars.

I bet he was; cash buyers pay more. I can only hope Japan is different because you’re not supposed to say 'I’m paying cash' at car dealerships.

I wonder what their target market is.

I’m deleting this Medical I.D. There’s no need for it. My full name and address are already on my driving license in my wallet.
