It’ll be like Bring Your Terrible Two to Work Day.

Oh yes, of course. We’re getting closer and closer to the point when cameras are pointless.

I think Compact Flash cards are still common in DSLRs. Plenty of pros still using them. But smaller mirrorless cameras are the future.

The World reveals itself to those who travel on foot—Werner Herzog

I hope we get wireless charging for laptops in the near future.

iMazing tells me how much of my iPhone's original battery capacity has 'left the building', so no need to install a dedicated utility.

And if you’re selling to governments, charge even more, take as long as you want to finish the job and don’t worry if it’s incapable of doing what it was supposed to do.

How do you disable JavaScript on a site-by-site basis? Do you need a particular browser?

If you were bored you could call the speaking clock.