Disappointed with the level of mothering I got today.

Maybe you need to ask around in a photography forum or similar.

Oh no, not you again.

No plan to indicate comments on the other tabs?


It's a pity because comment count is a nice feature. Would it be any less taxing on the DB if you simply determine if there are any replies and indicate that so the user knows whether it's worth tapping on the bubbles icon or not?

P.S. The preview view is a fab thing to have on a tight 4" screen


The link to the thread is nicely done BTW.

It's the lack of tooltips on touch screens that gets me in these situations more than icon design.

Oh, looks like I was half right.

I don't like tapping on buttons I don't comprehend. There's no affordance. But on this occasion I'll throw caution to the wind and try it. (My guess is it's a link URL to the individual post.)

Oh, perhaps it's British. By the way, what's the anchor button I've just noticed?