@height8 Yeah, worked out who is following me but it's telling me I'm following 7 when I only followed 6, so there's an extra mystery individual out there.

Bournemouth probably has a lot of cultured retired people who have decamped from London to see out their days by the sea going to concerts and regattas.

Bournemouth has a symphony orchestra? I thought only big cities had 'em.

Yep, worked it out by going down and tapping on names. Not you bedtime yet then?

Is there somewhere I can see my followers and followees because I'm being followed by 4 people but am only aware of you and @height8 so far.

@height8 How do? Don't mind me if I look confused and lost…because I am.

Thanks. I tried tapping on avatars instead…They're more nipple-like if you know what I mean.

What the heck do I do here? Can I follow people?