I watched an hour of that video and I didn't think Hitchens was pompous and condescending. I think he's just much wiser than the vast majority of us….and very jaded. As for everyone else being stupid, I think that's not far off the truth.



Not that minor if they got broken.


Another great article by Michael Hudson. Comparing America's new cold war plan with the Papacy's attack on the German Holy Roman Empire, orthodox Christians and the Holy Land (he probably should also have lumped in the Teutonic Knights attacks on north European pagans and slavs).

Damn. Something to look forward to though, one day…


I hope you can make some progress in your relationships with your offspring now.


Sounds like you did an out of court agreement….which is usually a good thing.



I don't know. Sounds plausible. Is your back alright now?


These vegan friendly sweets taste really vile, like the product of a chemical plant.

'Ten thousand years ago, gravity tilted the entire Earth off its axis by about half a degree. This had a profound effect on climate.'

You’re not feeling bitter and twisted then?
