The Weekend isn’t far off.

Got the flu. It keeps getting better then getting worse again so I’m reluctant to say I’ve turned the corner. Been groaning in my bed for two or three days so I don’t know what’s happened in the World.

A cold, wet cloth on the forehead doesn’t stay cold and wet for long when your head is impersonating a power station.

I've not played a video game since PS1/Nintendo64. I imagine the graphics are amazing now….

Aren’t there certain varieties that are bred for sweetness?

Tenth of October and I’m basking in the Sun in my t-shirt while being pelted with autumnal helicopters, one of which went down the back of my shirt. And the wooden seat is a mite damp from earlier rain. But my blood is warming up nicely.

Damn! Sweet ones are orgasmic.

I can do that, but not in early October.

Ankle Biter.


It’s a shambles.