Channel 5 put a couple of Christmas films on yesterday. Can you believe it?

Excellent. You get totally fresh, chemical free strawbs for autumn.

I think the really long times are when people employ zen breathing control and obsessive body stillness. I’ve heard of Olympus users achieving one or two seconds. I can’t be bothered with that. I’m casual. Even with decent stabe (about four stops on mine), 1/10 is around my limit. Even that gives me some screw ups. On very rare occasions I can get 1/5 or 1/4.

Never had a lens anywhere near that length so I don’t know what’s a normal shutter speed.

I never thought I’d have a phone camera that could do tolerable three second exposures handheld.

Work while I sleep. Earn your keep.


That'd be a good photo for a caption competition.

Are they being spread out linearly or is the giant bedsheet rotating too?


Is there anything in the Universe that doesn’t orbit around something else? The Solar System revolves around the Galactic Centre. Even galaxies move don’t they? Where are they going?


Semi-fab then.
