You like the job?

It must have been boiling.


I couldn't tell on my phone but on my big screen I can see that yes, it's a nice photo. Are they blueberries?

I went into the local specsavers and there was a lot of staff standing around doing nothing. I don’t know why an optician needs so many employees. All were masked. They were like face nappy Stormtroopers. The lady asked me to wear a mask, I said I was exempt. She handed me one anyway and said ‘that’s alright but would you mind wearing one in the small room because it’s confined and you’re right up close on the equipment?’ I acceded. When my eyes were being tested my breath kept misting up the apparatus and the optician got me to pull the mask down several times so I ended up breathing all over everything (and the optician) anyway.

Mmm, I can post an image without text if it’s a reply.

As far as I know, the English were only conquered once.

I thought you changed things a few months ago so I could post a photo without any text….but it currently won’t let me do that (Publish button greyed-out when no text).