“Wired infrastructure is inherently more future-proof, more reliable, more sustainable, more energy-efficient, and more essential to many other services. Wireless networks and services are inherently more complex, more costly, more unstable, and more constrained.”

--Dr. Timothy Schoechle, National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy

That’s the first time I’ve eaten a fool.

No one should have to work outside when it's raining. Mind you, I want my parcels delivered….


Seen quite a few people going about in shorts this autumn in rather cold weather. One of the postmen wears a woolly hat with shorts.

'To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.'

—Friedrich Nietzsche

R.I.P. Terence Davies. If there was an alternative reality where I was a film director, I’d probably make films a bit like his.

Was a bit non-plussed by that restaurant. It was like eating in a cave. Some of the tables were a long way from the windows and the lights were pathetic. When we went back outside it took our eyes a while to adjust to the daylight. I don't call that atmosphere, I call that primitiveness.

I can’t believe the tripe they put on T.V. these days. An advertised upcoming programme is 'Adele: 30 Greatest Moments.' 🙄