I don’t use it much either. Probably no one does, but I’ll try to keep mental notes on what I see.


No one's perfect.


I’m not sure if I did 'load more' (I suspect I did). Anyway, I just now tried to flush things out and emulate the problem: I went in and out of the various streams a few times and did the pull down to reload on global once or twice. After this I noticed things were OK in global down to 'load more' but as soon as I loaded more it retrieved stuff that was too old. So then I logged out and in, waited for Global to populate, scrolled to the bottom (all good), loaded next page (all good). So it seems to work fine for the current page but sometimes suffers a 'knock on the head' further back than that until you log out. Not a big deal.


Catch-22. Do you still have some work you can do?



Scrolling back in Macchiato I see lots of posts are not loaded between Sunday night and Monday afternoon. Not that this is a critical matter. 3c063bc5-8c33-4c57-b926-f1df30a41930

I don’t get perfect sleep but I’m not good at obeying the commands of devices and software.


Lovely t-shirt weather today.

'The Last Kingdom' T.V. series was very enjoyable.



Isn’t there a procedure for people losing dongles? (apart from being flayed alive as punishment I mean)

