@hazardwarning All true.
Had pastrami for the first time. Very nice in a sarnie but boring off-sarnie. I’m the kind of person who thinks that hotdogs and pizzas is novel, foreign food.
@matigo No, there's a purely physical, not psychological type of shock. I heard a doctor say 'most shock from trauma comes from haemorrhage'. Just wondering what the definition of shock is.
@matigo As a kid she was abused by her callous female guardian so had a slightly different perspective to start with.
// @nitinkhanna
Doctors talk about people going ‘into shock’. I wonder what definition of shock is.
@hazardwarning I've been told to have a walk twice a day in the short term. In the medium to long term I'll have to do some strengthening exercises probably.
@matigo I see garden/house work as lost time even though the end result can sometimes be satisfying.
According to the man I spoke to from the surgery my recent achilles tendon pain might not be an injury as such. It might just be the tendon complaining because I went from being acompletelylazytwat to just a bitofalazysod. In other words, I started doing a lot more garden/house work and was on my legs a lot more than usual. He says I just need to condition it. That's good because in the first three days of it, it felt like someone was cutting me with a blade.