My brother's just been showing me the laser machine he’s building. I’m trying to persuade him to start selling these devices (he’s made a C.N.C. machine and a 3D printer previously) but he mostly does it for the learning experience.

Perhaps I should just accept that the distros aren't really one OS but different OSes and just pick one and explore it.

When I read about methods that try to make installing apps easier like AppImage I thought they sounded promising. But then I realised you have to go through a few steps just get them set up in the first place and probably still need to add the right repositories.

No wonder people don't use Linux. What a joke the software installing landscape is.

Most Linux distros don’t have ARM versions yet. They need to get their fingers out.

I can’t believe I’ve lived my whole life without knowing the joy of the Apricot Fool. It’s flipping delicious.

Hard ice on the car this morning. Hard to scrape. Hot water to the rescue.

13th of December but no year specified. Must be 2022….but they look fine.

I have spied some mince pies from last year in a plastic box on top of a kitchen cupboard. Do you think they’ll be edible?

Gustave Dore — Christmas Eve
