This plant-based cheese is better than cheese. I prefer it.

Do you usually extend AppleCare when the initial period runs out?

Nvidia is now valued at $3 trillion. Based on what, future A.I. fantasies?

I only had to say the word bananas and my dad started reminiscing about being lost in the Guyana jungle as it was getting dark, back in his national service days.

I can find 8, 9, 11, 12 mm spanners but can I find a 10 mm one when I need it? No. And the socket won't do because it's not deep enough to swallow the bolt protrusion and the adjustable won't do because it's jaws are too fat for that little gap. FFS.

It seems that Americans do
verb: practice
noun: practice

Whereas we do
verb: practise
noun: practice

I read a bit of Substack but it’s more like opinion columns than web logs.

Well, after decades of not going to funerals as the extended family kept dying around me, I finally went to my first one. So that's what a funeral is like. Weird. It was nice meeting some people though. You know it's been a long time when you don't recognise your cousin.

I like that smell.