I learn stuff when I watch a mechanic work on the car. But after a while I forgot…because of the lack of repetition.


The cat is camouflaged against the table, so it may be able to hide in plain sight in your office.


Really, that’s not the impression you give 😁



10C is the boss of your other projects?


I didn’t know games had ‘seasons’. I thought it was just T.V. that did that. Sounds like a money-spinner.


I approve of this. The links were a bit annoying, especially on a phone. If people use Markdown to insert a linked image, will it show inline or at the bottom? (Not that I’m very likely to…but some people may).


It’s funny, people say human eyesight can see up to about sixty miles across a landscape when standing on a hill. The Moon is a bit more than sixty miles away.


No chocolate cake?


My sister’s boyfriend received a covid1984 testing kit through the post that said ’Made in China’ on it.

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