Internet comment:

'i have not yet used [insert app name], ill tell you more in a few minutes after i have used it'.


Thanks, that's useful. Oh, on second thoughts, it doesn't seem to be working. I'll get something else from

Can Disk Utility write an ISO disk image to a memory stick and make it bootable? I didn't think it could.

Is there a better app for making bootable drives? Don't suggest the DD command….

Did a web search for balena etcher (an app) and the results are:
BalenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives › balena-io › etcher
GitHub - balena-io/etcher: Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives … › etcher
balenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives

& Wikipedia says it ought to be

I wish software outfits wouldn't do this. It creates a chink for bad people to make you download the wrong app.

No, they just leant their flavour.

That's the first time I've had Baileys ice-cream. Tastes decadent.

My brother's just been showing me the laser machine he’s building. I’m trying to persuade him to start selling these devices (he’s made a C.N.C. machine and a 3D printer previously) but he mostly does it for the learning experience.

Perhaps I should just accept that the distros aren't really one OS but different OSes and just pick one and explore it.

When I read about methods that try to make installing apps easier like AppImage I thought they sounded promising. But then I realised you have to go through a few steps just get them set up in the first place and probably still need to add the right repositories.