Internet comment:
'i have not yet used [insert app name], ill tell you more in a few minutes after i have used it'.
Internet comment:
'i have not yet used [insert app name], ill tell you more in a few minutes after i have used it'.
@matigo Thanks, that's useful. Oh, on second thoughts, it doesn't seem to be working. I'll get something else from
@matigo Can Disk Utility write an ISO disk image to a memory stick and make it bootable? I didn't think it could.
@matigo Is there a better app for making bootable drives? Don't suggest the DD command….
Did a web search for balena etcher (an app) and the results are:
BalenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives › balena-io › etcher
GitHub - balena-io/etcher: Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives … › etcher
balenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives
& Wikipedia says it ought to be
I wish software outfits wouldn't do this. It creates a chink for bad people to make you download the wrong app.
My brother's just been showing me the laser machine he’s building. I’m trying to persuade him to start selling these devices (he’s made a C.N.C. machine and a 3D printer previously) but he mostly does it for the learning experience.
@matigo Perhaps I should just accept that the distros aren't really one OS but different OSes and just pick one and explore it.
@matigo When I read about methods that try to make installing apps easier like AppImage I thought they sounded promising. But then I realised you have to go through a few steps just get them set up in the first place and probably still need to add the right repositories.