So are you two trying to challenge Big Bang Theory with a new farcical, weekly, geek sitcom here?


Anxiety reduced?

You stumbled upon a website called Facebook?

Or you’re an adult baby who wants to regress.

That thing is supposed to do ten hours. You must be very aggrieved.

The funny thing about losing time (falling behind etc.) is that it doesn’t happen instantly. It takes time to lose time.

Life goes in phases. When you’re nearing the end of a phase, what once seemed appropriate, no longer does.

You shock me to my core, sir. The thirteen incher is supposed to do ten hours of wireless web doings. I wonder what’s going on. Are you seeing the disparity with the same activities?

Zine is just one of the uses of a group blog.


I find web forums clunky and hard to love. I don’t like the idea of using Go ogle as my identity provider across multiple other platforms. Maybe I’m too touchy, but I don’t like the idea.

What is a shorthand email web forum? Intrigued…

I like the idea of a group blog for some things, but that didn’t take the World by storm.
