How many more years before you burn out?

Modernity is a killer. Which is a problem, because they’re really trying to modernise us.


I suppose 'whitepeople countries' is a bit inaccurate these days.

Do you know what the delta is between the genders on that? I know the suicide stats can be deceptive because women often fail in their suicide attempts. But I’m still curious to know whether the gender difference is similar to over here in these whitepeople countries.

Get it while you can. There won’t be any physical media in the future. The Enlightened Ones don’t want us to own anything. At least not anything that can be a service. That way they can control it better. Look what’s changing: image editing apps from Adobe, like Lightroom are subscriptions. B.B.C. puts very little of anything on D.V.D. (they want you to sign up). The trendy new email app costs so much per month. The world of DVDs, Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray…dying, dead, still-born. It’s going to be a subscription world.

Makes me wonder what the world of collectibles will be like in the future…

God, there is a mountain of stuff from the B.B.C. I’d own if they’d let me, but they just don’t release anything.

Do you think population density and living in small rooms and small houses contributes?


It’s interesting isn’t it, how many ‘male’ ends of electronics connections actually have slots in them. That’s why I like Lightning connectors—the male end is genuinely that. They look and feel like they’re less likely to fail. Maybe bits of fluff can be pushed into them but that’s easily fixed.

Been hearing a woodpecker intermittently recently. I find it a comforting sound, perhaps because it bears out that I don’t live in a tarmac jungle (and I’m pleased about that).

Tuesday's child is full of grace…

You kept that quiet. I didn’t realise you’d done such low level programming.