What's the correct name for a wine aficionado anyway?

Did you see the film 'Sideways' and the scene where the wine lover launches into a passionate diatribe against merlot?


Currently, the notification bar is popping up when there's something new but there's no number/count…just the three buttons.

I don't know, board bed, stony pillow; you're a hard bastard.

The green notification bar—or whatever it's called—keeps appearing even when there's nothing new to see. Odd.

I don't understand what jade-tile is.

So is sleeping on a board a Hong Kong thing? I dare say it'll be good at keeping you cool on humid nights.

Wooden. I can't begin to imagine. Sounds unpleasant.

Never had a mattress with springs? You must be young.

Been reading about latex mattresses: a bit like memory foam but cooler in summer apparently. And pocket-sprung mattresses and so on. I'm sick of how normal wire sprung mattresses go lumpy so want to try something else.