Been reading about latex mattresses: a bit like memory foam but cooler in summer apparently. And pocket-sprung mattresses and so on. I'm sick of how normal wire sprung mattresses go lumpy so want to try something else.

May also be related to me slowly becoming an old fart. I don't think I was this annoyed by shopping when I was younger.

Maybe you're an average shape en bas. I have trouble getting trousers that fit rightly in all dimensions while also suiting my style. It can be done but it's a long, arduous trial and error procedure. Shoes? Well, all the lovely shoes I see on websites are never in the shops locally and I'm scared to buy shoes online. Mattress? Well, All the different types is boggling my mind, not to mention all the conflicting user reviews.

Maybe I could invent my own mattress by combining several mattress toppers.

There are certain things I just hate buying. Trousers, shoes, mattress.

The lady who sang the original was the girlfriend of Marc Bolan.

Every time I encounter food that puzzles me I come over all Janice and Ray:

// @height8

@height8 I had breakfast at a greasy spoon caf today. They didn't put even the slightest sliver of butter on my toast (scrambled egg on toast). And the tea was frothy. I ask you, frothy tea? The dirty dirty bastards!

Let me think. When I'd look at people's post counts on ADN, it was to make sure A) they weren't absent, and B) they were not posting insane amounts that I wouldn't be able to keep up with. So for me the utility is in helping me decide whether to follow someone or not. I'm not much bothered about checking my own post count.

I remember talking to a guy once who had a photoblogging/journalling type site and for each new entry there was a text box with rich text icons along the top. He said it was a drop in module. Until then I'd assumed it was done manually; I hadn't realised the extent to which websites could be modularised (he also used the Bootstrap framework). Modularity is such a powerful economic force but I suspect not right for you by the sounds of things.