Does Markdown work exactly the same in 10C blog entries as it does in social posts?

Hopefully it’ll be a day of two halves for you.

All that’s missing is a little sister for the boy. ;-)

You’re not scatterbrained.

I used to do something quite similar to this on even less RAM…but I’m improving. Part of the problem is that the internet is SO BIG.

The unlimited access sounds really good.

I was looking at exercise mats, but then I thought 'what’s the point?' What’s wrong with just doing it on the carpet? I think it’s only when you have hard floors that you need a mat. I’m not sure you need one on a hard floor either, for sit-ups, press-ups etc. I think it’s just yogaites who need one because of the odd positions they put themselves into.

I hope carbohydrates is not in the top two ingredients…


There’s always cocoa powder to add to hot water (or hot milk…not tried that actually). Cocoa isn’t exactly yummy unless you add quite a bit of sugar, so you have to be careful. I suppose the other hot drink treat (which I always forget is an option) is just a glass of hot milk. It seems like a drink for kids, but can’t we drink it too? 'Tis best with full fat milk; fat is good at feeding the brain.


Nice geometry in your photo. When Cartier-Bresson was asked why his photos were so good, he said 'geometry'.