@matigo Don't forget—margin of safety. (I'm referring mainly to money but other things too). Looks like you have some tiring drives ahead of you. I hope you don't come home needing a rest. I'm sure you'll make some great memories that will stay with you for life.
@spacenerdmo I've always felt that caffeine as an aide to concentration and alertness to be a myth. It's never done anything for me. Music on the other hand can definitely boost mood.
I don't like the self-serving pettiness of shops. If you tell a shopkeeper your budget for a particular thing is £150, they will try various tactics and manipulations to get you to spend £170 to £200. If you mention one you like that's £140, they suddenly become all coy and inert, as if their feet have been glued to the floor and they can no longer go and retrieve that one.
Looking for a watch for my mother. I'm surprised by the preponderance of ones with metal link straps and clasps. I thought that was more of a man's watch thing.
@matigo Oh, 'foreigners' usually use the American style of English nowadays. It wasn't always the case. In the seventies, Scandinavians often used British English. In Charles Aznavour's 1973 English rendition 'What makes a Man' he sings 'mum' rather than mom. But even British, and more so Australians increasingly use American English anyway.